Hi gersikahhhhh! Missed your pretty pixels so I thought I'd come over and write up a quick update/spam your screen with extremely important photos.
Boring swarovski necklace? You think I'd pay that much for a necklace? No man, this is a USB. I always wear this to work, it's deceptively fitting with the entire "pretentious, snobby sales assistants with their useless branded shit" theme going on in the QVB. Little does my manager know and quoting coworker, Kate here, this baby is my "pretty weak rebellion" to the LC dressing policy. Damn right, you take that! (weak)

Boring swarovski necklace? You think I'd pay that much for a necklace? No man, this is a USB. I always wear this to work, it's deceptively fitting with the entire "pretentious, snobby sales assistants with their useless branded shit" theme going on in the QVB. Little does my manager know and quoting coworker, Kate here, this baby is my "pretty weak rebellion" to the LC dressing policy. Damn right, you take that! (weak)
& I'm sure you gathered by now that the leggings arrived and I want to wear them to sleep because I want to wear them 24/7 but people keep telling me that I'll get diseases "down there" from pantyhouse/tights overdose. THEY ARE THE BEST LEGGINGS EVER. Anyways, I hear you can get CK galaxy briefs. Send a strange half-naked man with these on and I'll take him. Hah, I kid (not really).

The end! Have a happy holiday hanukkah hedgehogs hand heroes! (and yes I know my room is gross..) Y'know what, watching hi5 videos is actually really entertaining and their songs "make me want to mooooove, make me want to groooooooove." CHARLIE :D Dream job: working as part of the hi5/wiggle crew or disneyland cartooons. Such big dreams for the future, I know.
Okay, bedtime. Goodnight children.