Friday, 2 September 2011

Love of the coconut.

I once read a line in a book that has stuck with me, which often happens. I love that feeling. I love how much you can understand a few words, and how much they can tell you. But anyways, context first. Something about a woman and how she was in a carpark, and she called her husband to talk about something trivial, then she went on and suddenly in that phone call, she realised she asked for a divorce. It shocked herself. She talks about how she never imagined she'd be the type of person who would do that, and how people always dismiss one-off occurrences like these. Then she says "“Sometimes we have to be judged on our one-offs". I don't know why this resonates with me so much. I just feel there's so much truth in this. We're constantly dismissing the one-offs that present inconsistencies in our characters. We convince ourselves and other people that it's a one-off; it carries no meaning, and no representation of ourselves. Somehow, stand alone from us. There is such a fear of inconsistency. When did people start understanding inconsistencies as a forbidden interference in our identity creation? How do we become truer to ourselves by establishing we're purple people hence push out every single other colour from the colour spectrum? Why do we need to placate ourselves in this way? Inconsistency is so interesting, I feel like that is the inch we are able to thrive in, the open space that encourages more. 

Our most common way of ridiculing inconsistency is through shouting "YOU HYPOCRITE". I actually love talking about how much of a hypocrite I am, and usually people don't like to listen because:
- Inconsistent people are shit, and hypocrisy is not cool.
- Stories about loving and hating trivial things are boring.
Let's just use food as an example. I used to hate avocado, coconut, eggplant and the worst chocolate bars in the world were bounty and cherry ripe. Now when I study a menu, avocado and eggplant spark a fond, cuddly affection, I drink/eat at least 2 coconuts a week (and I've grown to love coconut water, coconut flesh, coconut milk, coconut candy, shredded coconut..basically, in any form, I'm keen), and bounty is my favourite choc. bar (out of the generic Mars choice, and of course you can argue this is an extension of my coconut affair but my love for cherry ripe is also pretty astounding..okay crap, just remembered that it contains coconut too). I also used to hate eating a lot of veges raw, but now I love it. Maybe I just love coconut, and maybe vegetarianism means I have to mix it up a bit..but still. Okay how about shoes! When gladiators were first out, my reaction was a facial that would've made people jump back and scream "BUCKET, PLEASE, ANYONE?!" (about-to-vomit face). Then I loved them. Then I saw ugg boots and scoffed, then I bought a couple of pairs that never left my feet during many months overseas. Then I saw clogs and was like "oh my god, they're like..crocs but not plastic", then I bought 2 pairs and want more. Pretty. Okay, now I sound desperate to prove I'm a hypocrite. Also, it wasn't very interesting and now I understand why people don't listen. Gerrate. 

You get my point though, right? Yes, okay, GOOD. Happy times, you and me. 

Bye lovey.

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