Tuesday, 22 November 2011

From da hoodz

It was a fateful sunday involving me, some fun kids, a load of clever graffiti, and one life changing ferry ride. I was floating on a ferry named 'Charlotte', and making my company proud by singing remix versions of 'Incy Wincy Spider' (incorporated some rapping which made it all cool & stuff), and then I notice there's this girl two rows in front of me with what must be the most amusing sunnies I've ever come across. While shit like flower petal framed sunnies gets my adrenalin goin', this was a different kind of love. I released my inner creep and hunted this girl down. Bam! 'Henry Holland for Le Specs HOODIES'. You belong to me. Imagine a mash up of your obsession with the metal, gold, round shapes and BIG EYELIDS. Imagine that during a mindless hunt for your summer sunnies you found these. YOU ARE NOW IN MY STATE OF MIND.

Also, when you wear these on top of your head, you look like you have guinea pig ears, which is one reason enough to persuade me.

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