Monday, 7 November 2011

Give my thanks to the deceased.

My new pastime is to raid the virtual markets for quirky little gems. My meat being gold toned jewellery, my plate being estate sales, and my fork and knife; etsy and eBay. Considering one of the reasons that turned me off thrifting was mahzah's kind reminder - "You're wearing dead peoples' stuff!", I'm surprised that the thought of wearing a little, dead, old lady's necklace around my neck, is completely fine with me. I'm getting worried though, too many bulk bought shipments of old enamel, onyx beads, coloured glass, agate chunks and I don't even know what, has me questioning the practicality of what I'm doing. Yeah, rationality's a bit slow. I need more limbs. (Apparently the easier solution as opposed to y'know, buying less.)

I know, I know, I really need a real hobby. I'm becoming the kind of people I work with, I think it's cause their conversations consist of nothing but shopping lists so in finding some kind of conversable language, I've fallen wallet first into their world of exchange, exchange, exchange. Anyway, I WOULD KILL FOR SACHIN & BABI, and winter weather to wear my 
new boots and angora blend sweaters and bubbles of warmth.


 In an attempt to unshallow myself from countless, hollow nights of filling virtual shopping baskets, I tried to read a bit of the classic stuff to no avail. It's a shame cause I was all for 1Q84 (in a very murakami mood), but guessing it wouldn't be the same without reading 1984 first, and I don't know how I'd manage. Not fun enough, that's what I think. It's harder to be fun and serious at the same time, your mind plays the game rather than watching a game being played. So much difference, don't you think? If I ever wrote anything, it'd be like Murakami, only looser, with no connection between one sentence and the next, and basically, shit. Textual dynamics: 1 million. Me: 0/completely seduced.

Anyways, if you'll excuse me. I have some more pointless browsing to attend to.


"Remember it's just food, not love." To that I say Psch, what do you know?! Have you even tried Connoisseur's caramel honey macadamia ice cream? My body disagrees because I'm still dairy intolerant. In rejection, I sucked up a whole original sized Boost yesterday, and ate a massive bowl of aforementioned creamy heaven. I sure showed...myself. Despite these boar-like behaviours, I'm actually losing weight. Woo-boo-hoo for me.

Listening to florence + the machine has gotten me feeling all "floopy"

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