Friday, 15 April 2011


See what I've done?! I always knew it was going to happen one day but I never let it, cause it scared me because I can't lose the internet version of myself and go dilly dally-ing with some other trendy blog dude. Xanga and I had something you see but not anymore, things got ugly, literally ugly. (Seriously, go check) So now, I'm just kinda screwed and I'm here because I murdered my xanga. Don't even, I'm not a horrible person, just misunderstood...HAH. Okay. 

Hi blogspot. 

You're confusing to use and are you BLOGGER or BLOGSPOT? Make up your mind, Xanga didn't go around sporting double identities. Sorry, I'm going to stop comparing, that's not fair to you. No actually screw that, you suck it up. "You suck those tears up!" Kevjumba hehehe.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is, this space is going to be no different to my xanga except that I won't put a gigantic picture of my head on the top and things will be neater looking, I hope. & it took me a billion years deciding on a blog title so if you don't get the one I've chosen, go away. Though I realise only one person probably does, that makes me very sad. Anyways, yay excitement not really.

People always like to introduce themselves again when making a new blog but I don't think I can be bothered. "My life story is the stories of everyone I've ever met" (Foer) so yeah basically, not much to tell. I've been uneventful for 18 years but that's okay. What do I do with my life? Um let's see. I study Bcom in Services Marketing with Tourism & Hospitality at UNSW/real name - FOBBYSTAIRSLAND. I study Cert 3 in Children's Services at OTEN because I love Possums' Corner Child Care Centre which is where I work and love and play and if given a choice, wouldn't mind making it my permanent location of residence. Also work at Eddie Bennett Stocktaking company where I get to count stuff and sit on cars for extended periods of time until I can't feel my body neck down. Also bringing in the kaching from a recent addition, everyone welcome Longchamp, not really. I don't like her, but that's me for you. I do things I don't like because I don't like very much.

So that's what I do. Any unused time is spent on Big Bang Theory, Glee, Modern Family, House and F.R.I.E.N.D.S and Youtube and stalking people's blogs where they ramble the vomit out of their brains. & I also play with the few friends I have, quality guys, quality. (smilies)

I really wanted my first blog to about things other than a poor introduction of myself but I guess I'm all for tradition, speaking of which, I want a nice traditional wedding but not in a church cause I'm not religious and not in a slaughterhouse cause I don't eat meat and not in an airport cause I hate fobs and not in a UNI cause I don't want to be near a place that promotes STATS. I also realise I probably didn't want the first word I wrote on my new blog to be 'murderer', but I'll cope. Another thing probably worth mentioning is that my online self sounds a lot angrier and like the kind of person who stabs baby seals while dancing in a sunflower garden. Solly Dolly.

Okay, I'm off to complete shitty groupwork and listen to 'Winter song' (Sara Bareilles/Ingrid Michaelson) repeatedly, read Jonathan Safran Foer quotes and drink earl grey.

Bye children.



    I love Winter Song THIS IS THE CUTEST.

    "Aw Rory, don't do that. Don't go comparing Jess to Dean. Dean was an exceptional first boyfriend."
    So Dean was conventionally a good first boyfriend and Xanga gave you everything you needed as a first blog but now you need to move beyond that and understand that not all blogs in life are as loving as you'd expect.

    Shakin' ma tambourine, you shake yours, we'll shake together .. shake shake shake ..

    I follow rivers, and Jessica Xi!


  2. That makes sense, xanga was my Dean. Let's have a sulking day where I cry and eat too much icecream.


  3. Ps. You spelled it wrong, it's Thambourine ..

