Sunday, 1 May 2011

DAY 1.

5 interesting facts about yourself

This is way too hard, I'm not interesting enough.

1. I used to be part of this Chinese drama club for about a decade. I still can say that besides my time at childcare, that period of time made me ridiculously happy. We did reenactments of random plays and the like. With ugly masks of makeup, costumes with too much stretch and a strange mix of people, we memorised lines of messy chinese writing and flailed and wailed on stage. My most glorious moment was when I was the bitchy old lady who got shot by a bunch of hungry, rebellious kids, I had to grab my own ass and scream on stage.

2. I'm a different person when I'm speaking Chinese, as though when my mouth starts saying 'lah!' I have to start being different and thinking different. I think I become my mother actually. The moment I speak Chinese I feel my inner fob shining away, and when I speak English, I want to flush all the fobs down the toilet. It's as though my Chinese and English speaking personas are my subconscious and conscious and rather than fighting, they coexist quite perfectly. I don't know if it's because my grasp of the Chinese language doesn't permit me to express myself any differently but I don't think it is that completely; it sometimes feels like a mild bipolar disorder.

3. I have had this recurring dream for most of my life. I know dreams aren't very interesting cause it's the equivalent of saying "I READ A BOOK AND SOMEONE TOTALLY DIED" (given the person isn't dumbledore) but deal with it, kids. Anyways, I'm in this room, well not really a room but an area of just open space, it's completely black and I have this source of light which I can control. Someone is talking but it's my own voice and I don't recognise it but when I'm conscious I do. A gigantic image reveals a photo of someone's face and I have to state their name, if I fail to remember, the person in the photograph dies. This continues on for a few faces, all these people were once part of my life that I had at one point been close to, but now are somehow condoned to this strange fate completely reliant on my memory, which I gotta say, sucks. My family is never included. It's all pretty depressing. Sometimes I catch myself playing this 'game' while I'm conscious which leads me to read my facebook friends list repeatedly, y'know, just in case? Some of you have died a few times...I don't know if it works like Mario and you have a heap of lives because some faces (even after they've died) keep returning.

4. If there's one movie that I have always been terrified of, and still haven't watched completely, it's Alice in Wonderland and yes... I know it's a cartoon. I don't know if it's because I felt like Carroll's mind was completely contaminated or the fact that the cheshire cat and the tweedle twins made me want to cuddle the monster under my bed but something felt wrong. Something was always very haunting about it, it made me uncomfortable. & when I learnt in later years that he was a child porn enthusiast and drug affected, it seemed to fit right. I still haven't tried to watch it properly. Also, in your spare time, read up on hynopompic experiences, apparently that was
Carroll's main source of inspiration. That part is interesting, promise.

5. I am obsessed and fascinated by the construct of marriage, I feel like if I had to choose a definition for happinness, I would sum it up with something like 'MARRIAGE AND BABEHSSS'. Marriage isn't just a piece of paper, it means so much more. It means that you've finally found that one person in your life. & babies....... need I say more? I'm so traditional. YESBABIES&MERRIMENT.



  2. 2. I endeavour to learn chinese so fluently that we can converse completely in chinese that I will get to know your other you.

    3. I love hearing about peoples dreams. It's so fascinating because that's what they think about subconsciously! Is it just random meaningless fillings of the brain or does every single dream say something about yourself and have a resounding effect for the rest of our lives?! Is it just us or is it controlled, is someone speaking to us and putting it there? Your dream is so interesting <- for lack of a better word. I would say 'intriguing' but I sound like I'm trying to sound smart ;)

    4. It's not really a great movie, and being a an avid disney fan that's saying a lot. I don't really like Alice as a character and the movie doesn't seem to amount to much at all. I tried reading the book as well but it's much the same.

    5. I don't feel like you talked about this at all, haha. I think you just put it there and you were about to explain but realised it would take 20 blogs to say all the words you needed to say and still not convey how you feel.
