Woohoooooooo, another site to waste my life on. I love stupid sites, love love love. If you're wondering how I found this site, I googled 'the world sucks' to see what would come up. I imagined hillsbus timetables which are the biggest liars in the whole wide world of suck. "LET'S REDUCE WORLD SUCK". Also, ignore that little advertorial of a woman holding glass bottles where her breasts used to be. Now you all wanna look, huhhhhh. Dirty people, dirty dirty people.
Purposely AVOIDED the website because you mentioned the advertorial. But decided to go on a few days later anyway. Got freaked out by a bird there was always somewhere on my page, then realised it was tweeter bird flying past..
ReplyDeleteWhy didn't you take science in senior school? Einstein in women's shoes should've been enough incentive!