Friday, 20 May 2011

Day 27.

Your fashion style.

So I completely forgot about my themed bloggy month. Well anyway here's the trail of weak attempts continuing..

First of all, LOL fashionstyle. I know more about polar bear fur than I do about clothes and shoes and all that crap that tangles easy and how they're supposed to compliment eachother. I choose what I wear the same way I choose the books I read, or the music I listen to...completely by level of entertainment and comfort. Sometimes I wonder if a part of me can in fact dress myself, but there's no point cause I'll choose wearing my cat jumper or my giraffe print shirt or my abundance of maxi dresses complete with mismatched cardigans cause it's fun and I don't like showing my arms. I don't like clothes that resemble clothes, I like optical-illusion-providing prints and rough tassles and sparkly sequins and ditsy floral prints and mesh inserts and fluffy parts and huge ass buttons and ashamedly, fur and massive holes and families of pockets and random things you can play with. I never really feel an urge to buy clothes, well I do, in fact right now I do, but when I look at clothes, I don't see anything I want. I just want to touch them all because textures get me excited. I dislike clothes the way Phoebe dislikes pottery barn, cause furniture should have a story and so should clothes, we shouldn't be allowed to all own the same thing, it's hacking at what could've been something interesting. Not to say clothes have to be all old and gross and sharing that musty, ancient people smell with the world, but it shouldn't be mass produced, in fact, nothing much should be. But anyway, I don't LOVE clothes, except if we were to make a mixture of 3 tops, a pair of shoes, a rug and a child's toy, mhmm, now we're talking.

When I put in effort, I look like I haven't and instead, had rolled into vinnies, tried on the first 5 things I saw then rolled out onto the street. I've never really owned basics but I am growing to appreciate them! I wear my mum's stuff and my dad's...sometimes my brothers. They never fit me properly but it's either warm or comfortable or has a perfect sleeve length and that's good enough! I don't know, there's something about wearing other people's clothes that is so much more satisfying than wearing your own. I think ever since I dropped out of my fob phase, I just lost track and didn't have particular things I liked. 

Things I currently want (that are not really relevant to fashion at all):
Phoenix sweater - a slouchy & ridiculously comfy sweater with a PHOENIX cause itz mad yo
Asos sheer twilight blouse w/ dipped hem (It looks like the item below but in shirt form)
Black Milk Galaxy leggings - imagine, where's the universe? ON MY LEGS.
Princess diana's weddings dress - I could probably push people over with that dress.
Eyeball jewellery - Yeah, working on moving to America so I can buy zem!
Zara blazer with elbow patches - It's nice :) and my comment = interesting.
Gleek hoodie, 'Bazinga' hoodie, Anything w/ Friends - I would literally wear these everyday.
Mineral rock rings! Nature on my knucles!
Socks - I don't own any plain white socks, my favourite rainbows&sheep ones keep peeking.

If it helps at all, I appreciate fashionable people, watching them makes me happy! But I won't ever never ever be one of them. That 'sokay though, comfort is cool, not really, definitely not but whatever, I has sunnies and I am a kewlz emoticon. & I had the decency to refuse a pair of UGG knock offs complete with massive pom poms from mother dear earlier today. I have standards y'know....hah jookeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss. 

3am oopety doops, g'morning :)


  1. can just imagine vee shaking her head at this post. hahaa

  2. LOLLLLLL that was such an honest post though. She never looks crazy, she just looks like herself :)
