Tuesday, 3 May 2011

DAY 3.

About your friends

This one's a tad strange. Anyway.

My friends are this group that don't seem to have the inherent need to ...contact each other. We seem to run around for weeks, sometimes months before we finally realise that we kinda miss eachother. It's pretty odd. And after a long awaited congregation of gossip and giggles, we'll continue on making do with those who are related to our jobs and uni lives and anything as a result of convenience, until we realise again that we don't remember what eachother look like. We're not a particularly tight knit group but we acknowledge that we're all there when need be. We don't have much friends out of the group to 'compensate' for our lack of contact but we all seem pretty content. Other than 'the group', all my friends are stand alone from eachother, they're all bits of this and that and together they'd make a very ugly patchwork. I don't know that I'm too reliant on my friends, there's never been too many situations that call for it. But that being said, we do value eachother. We're mostly the type to have a super complicated screening process in picking friends. We don't get close to people easily so we hold onto eachother knowing we're not perfect, knowing we annoy eachother but also knowing that it isn't easy but we're always here for eachother.


  1. Tonight on NCIS there was this baby doll sitting in the darkness and it kept saying "Play with me .. Play with me .."


    I don't want to play.

  2. Well said :P.

    We pretend we don't need each other but we really do and we kind of know that deep down inside but none of us will do anything about it. Somehow it works.
