Monday, 23 May 2011

Sharing cause I'm nice.

What I can't stop listening to today:

I don't know why humans seem to think dinosaurs go well with music, and are groovy, groovy dancers (Dorothy the dinosaur too!) but it works for me. Dedicating this to a sad little boy, Ross.

 This makes me cry, then I decided to read the comments - "They're all so mother(beep)ing ugly." hate those youtubers...

This is like listening to happinness. & if you want to know, the comments on this video are something I approve of. "I thought I was hearing my own heartbeat, but it turns out it's just the song." DAMN RIGHT. "I could listen to this everyday.. just dont tell my black friends that." HAHA, fun knees.

"GOOD GAWD!" This song's ability to get stuck in your head like gaga does is pretty awe-striking. All those times you heard me murmuring 'drip drop can't stand the rainnnnnnnnnn', yep it wuz zis! These talented people were on glee :D

You're right, right, right. This is amaze-me-ful.

"we sure are cute for two ugly people", I should watch Juno again.
Sometimes I try to be overly ambitious and attempt to read something great and listen to explosions in the sky or the intuition at the same time, I think it's to do with the lack of lyrics, and all that raw sound unleashes this need for me to find the words that can mould what I feel into something I can tell other people/myself about, but nope, impossible. & it's also literally impossible to do those two things at once, or to recieve either without feeling like you could burst into an explosion of liquid chocolate and chilli and all the flavours of the spice palate. It's like when you're in an interview and they say 'describe yourself in 3 words', and I want to be like, don't kid yourself, you sit here with me for a year and then you'll naturally understand. Except it doesn't matter how many years, those words don't exist. It's like the way I describe my baby/marriage obsession in words like "really cool!" and "babehs cute!" and "i want a dozen!". Somehow some people (about 4/so really..) do understand the extent to which I feel about these things, I don't know how it managed to come across but I am so grateful cause I feel like I can only ever tell people what things are not, never what they are.


  1. AMAZING. Explosions in the sky - Your Hand in Mine HAVE I SENT IT TO YOU?!?!?!

    Up up down down left right left right B A start Just because we use cheats doesn't mean we're not smart!

    Towers BEEPING LOVE IT. Love it. Best album evah

    THAT IS MY FAVOURITE BRIGHT EYES SONG I am loving this post so much!!!!!

  2. no, you didn't!

    you need to send me the whole bon 'evaiiiir' album! yayayarrr.

  3. Did you only download Towers? Seriously love it all. Holocene. Emailing to you NOW!
